We believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Upcoming Events

Mar 30

Sun    |    Noon - 2 pm

Nourishing Hope

April 5

Sat    |    9 am - 11 am

Laundry Love

April 12

Sat    |    9 am - 1 pm

Bell Tower Treasures

Laundry Love Poster


Saturday April 5

9 am to 11 am

The first Saturday of each month is Laundry Love day at Epiphany.

Wash Tub Laundry

403 Kings Hwy in Eden

We meet our neighbors, pay for their laundry and share some coffee and snacks.

If you have questions, please email or contact the church.

Bell Tower Treasures

Next Sale:

Saturday, April 12

9 am to 1 pm

Bell Tower Treasures will be CLOSED for sales in January.

DONATIONS will continue to be accepted each Tuesday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. OR call 336-623-9410 for an appointment.

Please join us for our next sale: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8th

Thank you for continuing to support us in our journey to earn money for Outreach that serves the community!

We look forward to seeing you in February!

Bring your friends!

Nourishing Hope Information

Nourishing Hope is a new ministry that Epiphany will be doing where we will serve the community a meal.

Our first meal is Sunday, March 30th from 12pm-2pm and we will be serving soup and sandwiches!

Volunteers are asked to arrive an hour before to help with preparations. We plan to do this quarterly on the fifth Sunday of the month.

The planned future dates are June 29th, August 31st, November 30th.

Want to help? Email

Pledge for 2025

Why is Stewardship So Important?

Stewardship is important for several reasons, both practical and spiritual. Here are some key reasons to reflect on when considering a stewardship gift to Church of the Epiphany:

Spiritual Growth and Gratitude Faith in Action Stewardship allows people to live out their faith by recognizing everything we have is a gift from God. Gratitude: Giving back is an expression of thankfulness for God’s blessings in our lives. Trust in God’s Provision: It encourages reliance on God rather than material security.

Supporting the Church’s Mission Sustains Ministry Financial pledges support worship services, outreach programs, pastoral care, and community events. Maintains Facilities: Contributions help with upkeep of the church building and grounds so the community has a welcoming space to gather. Empowers Outreach: Funds enable the church to extend help to those in our community who are in need, by supporting our outreach partners .

Building Community Shared Responsibility Stewardship invites everyone to contribute, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Encourages Involvement: Beyond financial gifts, it motivates members to offer their time and talents, strengthening the church family.

Securing the Future Sustainability Ongoing pledges help plan for future needs and ensure the church can continue its mission for future generations. Vision Casting: Stewardship allows the church to invest in new ministries, growth opportunities, and outreach efforts.

Thank you to all who have pledged thus far. If you haven’t yet had a chance to make your pledge, we invite you to prayerfully consider doing so. Every pledge, big or small, ensures we can continue the good work God has called us to do. Thank you.

Read Full Stewardship Letter Here

Your Pledge for 2025


Other Ways to Pledge:

  1. Email with your name and pledge amount.
  2. Mail a pledge to the church. You just need to provide your name and the pledge amount. No form is needed.
  3. Put a pledge in the collection plate. You just need to provide your name and the pledge amount. A form will be available at the church if needed or preferred.

Humanitarian Response to the Crisis in Ukraine

Episcopal Relief & Development(ERD) is mobilizing with Anglican agencies and other partners in order to provide humanitarian assistance to people fleeing the violence in Ukraine.

For more information and to find out how you can help, please visit the ERD website .

The Mission Strategy

The mission strategy of the Diocese of North Carolina is a grassroots, organic plan that invites every member of the Diocese to be a part of it.

The mission strategy is not a starting point; rather, it is built upon the work done throughout the diocese over the course of years. It is not a first step; it is our next step on our collective journey to Becoming Beloved Community.

To find out more about the mission strategy, visit the mission strategy page on the diocesan website .

Afghan Refugees - How to Help

Potentially hundreds of Afghan refugees will be resettling in the Triad in the coming days or weeks.

CWS-Greensboro (Church World Services) is a leader in the resettlement effort.

Visit the CWS website for more information on how you can help.

Episcopal Migration Ministries(EMM) is also helping nationally. Visit the EMM site for more information.

Keep up with the diocese

Sometimes it is easy for us to forget that Church of the Epiphany is part of the Diocese of North Carolina.

Our diocese is very active providing resources, information and opportunities for Epiphany and each of us as individuals. As does the national Episcopal church.

Please take a few minutes to visit the Diocese of North Carolina web site at and poke around a bit.

Pro tip: Cruise over to the Publications page and make sure you are on the list to get "The Disciple" magazine and the "Please Note" weekly email.

Sunday School - on Tuesdays!!

No Sunday School in August.

Join us in September!

Sunday Service

10:00 am

The Sunday Service is at 10 am.

We hope you'll join us in person each Sunday.

If you aren't able to attend, please watch the service live or recorded on Facebook or YouTube

Or use the links below.

The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, © 2023